Our Journey

Current location WNY


God brought us back to WNY!

Through The Walk 615, LLC; we plan to continue to bless others the way we did as TWRFA Mobile Ministry.

Blessing Bags Given Out Per State

  • Colorado – 6
  •  Nevada – 54
  • Arizona – 8
  • New Mexico – 9
  • Texas – 10
  •  Oklahoma – 11
  • Arkansas – We were out of Blessing Bags. We ended up driving around with 2 big platters of our Thanksgiving dinner and blessed two homeless individuals.
  • Louisiana – 13
  • Florida – 21 
  • Georgia- 66
  • New York- 310
WE have been fulltime RVers since March 2021. Now 2024,We are back in WNY at the First Baptist Church of Marilla where god has a plan that we do not know but have faith in. We continue to minister to people god put in our life. Some new people and some people we have met throughout our travels.

We are both Army veterans, ordained in a fashion of us meeting in the Army at Fort Dix New Jersey 2008. We remained on active duty after our separate deployments overseas. While Mandie was returning from her deployment in Kuwait Brohdny was being deployed to Iraq. We both decided to remain on active duty where we both were a part of Operation Warrior Trainers. We were able to use our experience and knowledge gained from overseas to train soldiers at select locations. During this stage of our military career, we fell in love at second sight.

In 2010, we bought our first home in Western New York where Mandie and our oldest child lived while I stayed on active duty until being medically retired December 2012. Mandie remained as an Army Reserve soldier until 2015 where she was medically discharged. We are parents to three children.

There were times in our life that we entered a season of uncertainty. We had an angel who would help us keep our gas and electric on during some trying times. Mandie was incredibly supportive of me during many years of dealing with PTSD from my tour in Iraq of which took a toll on our life for some years.

We attended church regularly at Winchester Community Church (WINCC) where we both served as the Body of Christ in Leadership Roles. Brohdny was a Youth Pastor under Lead Pastor Jason Drapeau, Drummer on the Worship Team, and a Deacon. Mandie was a Vacation Bible School Coordinator and regularly attended Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) where she inspired all who met her.

We both felt God was calling us to do something; we were not being fed spiritually like we once were. With apprehension, we decided to resign as leaders at WINCC. We returned to Life Church Buffalo in 2018, which is the first church attended upon moving to WNY. The couple did not rush into any leadership roles; Mandie served briefly as a Greeter on “The Dream Team”.

Still not fully spiritually fed in the way that God is calling us, we decided to go to Watermark Wesleyan Church where we met some wonderful families. Families from old and families of new. Shortly after attending Watermark Wesleyan, the couple ran into Mandie’s Youth Pastor Kevin Beers. This meeting was predestined and ordained from the Most-High God.

The Pandemic of Covid-19 occurred! We drew nearer to Jesus in a way that we could never imagine. It was during this time that God revealed to us what we should do.

Matthew 28:19-20

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Married for 13years now, the couple has a heart for Jesus and all his people. We decided to sell our home that we built in 2018. Our family that consists of 3 children, 2 mini Aussiedoodles (Ginger & Milo), bought a pickup truck and a fifth wheel, and been on the road since March 2021 ministering where God leads us.

We were blessed to receive some donations that enabled us to continue to minister to the homeless population as we traveled across the United States. Once we went down to one income, we were unable to get supplies for blessing bags. Hence why we decided to bless the homeless with a Thanksgiving meal in Arkansas. We received donations of bibles and financial blessing from a couple churches in Utah and Nevada. We also received donations from a handful of people that helped us restock inventory. 



We handed out blessing bags to the homeless while traveling around the different cities in U.S.
Bags contains: a mini backpack, wash cloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap,  non-perishable goods, snacks, a bible, and socks.

Travel 2022


  • Crystal Isles I’m excited to be here because I wanna see the manatees- and we’re here for 10 days. But I was def nervous when we first got here because the whole campground was basically flooded from all the rains and high tides last night…and go figure were right on the water. But its a nice thousand trail/encore place. Met a few nice people- everyone loves these dogs I tell ya. Went to the Fort Island Gulf Shore, not the Gulf but a little beach area. We went by the jetty and there were a bunch of sand crabs- it messed with me at first until I realized the movement was the crabs and not my head haha. Jailynn cut her feet up because she was barefoot and there were a lot of shells. We kicked some barnacles off the rocks and saw a few baby crabs. went to Homosassa State Park- we got a free Lifetime pass for being disabled vets- so only had to pay for B&T, Ja was free. They had several manatees, and different animals there- like a sanctuary. Checked out Hunters Spring, but nothing too special. Checked out the wooden playground after. the thousand Trails rep took us out on the boat today. We got to swim in the springs and had a few manatees near us. Wish they would’ve come closer but it was still cool to experience. We did that for a few hours (well boat ride, swim was only like 30 haha). The sand was so soft and squishy, it felt weird.
  • Davenport Built a connections with One Hope Church which is located in a movie theatre( pretty cool). Visited family and friends. Surprise Disney Trip with kids grandparents and long time family friends (was epic).  Visited Florida’s Natural OJ visitors center; very educational and good samples. Met a man walking and carrying a cross and this is what God has him doing throughout the year, he is a Pastor from Delaware. 
  • Jacksonville Went to Talbot State Park was a chilly day and later went to have some pretty good Thai food with some people we really care for and blessed to have in our life. Ventured to Hannah State Park beach was across the street but didn’t go. Went downtown to see Treaty Oak which is a 250 years old. Met a husband and wife who love Jesus like we do and invited us to stay at their horse ranch any time we are in the Boston, MA area.


  •  Savannah Went downtown and went to Bowtie for dinner and had the most amazing “Fried Green Tomatoes “.  Found a homeless camp under a bridge and was able to bless them with 28 blessing bags and talked to some about Jesus and His unconditional love for them. One of our daughters did horseback riding lessons. Went to Pulaski National Park very interesting and educational history. Went to Tybee Island didn’t swim much was a little cold. Went to Telafar Museum This was our Art lesson, went to Leopold’s, tried some Macaroon’s; got one of each so about 27. Went to Owen-Thomas House & Slave Quarters this was so informational, was a guided tour. Went to Tybee Island again. Went to Old Ft Jackson learned a lot about canons and experienced the process of firing one. Went to The Seed Church definitely loved it there, the people were very welcoming and a message. The youth pastor prayed over our family and expressed that God is going to expand our territory. 
  • Ellaville Changed couse to meet up with an old military supervisor which was definitely a devine appointed encounter. 
  • Stone Mountain Huge park! Has a campground, trails, golf course, stone mountain and restaurant. Went to Atlanta to the Children’s Museum, walked around Centennial Olympic Park saw the Olympic rings Olympics were held here in 1996. 


North Carolina

  • Pride RV Resort Our first RPI through TT a lot of fulltime Rvers here. Went to a church with a Husband and wife that we met here. Another Devine encounter. Bro experienced cornhole tournament through ACL. We extended our stay. We ended up going to a Co-Op, they did Art, building and science, cooking, world Geography and P.E. 
  • Forest Lake RV & Camping Resort Deisel was so hard for us to find, we went to 4 different gas stations. It took 25 mins to fill tank, the pump was so slow. Deisel gauge showed we were at 1/4 tank which to fill was $131.7


New Jersey

  • Lake & Shore RV Resort didn’t do much here just hung out and getting things ready for Chicko’s wedding
  • Mays Landing Campground dropped off camper and went to Eatontown to hotel and visited family. Seen an high school friend and just caught up real quick. Realized I left my suit that I only brought with me on the road for this event in the camper that’s an 1hr 30 mins from where hotel is. Well Kohl’s here we come. Had breakfast with an old boss and his lady.  Went to Philly Liberty Bell and the National Constitution Center. Went to Fort Dix and reminisced with the kids.  Showed them barracks, where we worked, our old on post housing. Went to PX got a few things. Visited with an old Army battle buddy


New York

Travel 2021



  • Indianapolis Super friendly staff. Took kids to feed the 2 horses they had and then went in the splash water pool. Rhythm Discovery Center (the world’s only percussion museum). The kids had a blast!


  • Fifty Four Farms They are super friendly, have a horse, pony, goat, cattle, 14 acres- some of it is corn, beautiful sunsets. We bought some beef products. We were telling Shaun the host about the DEF shortage at the local gas stations and he said he just got rid of his diesel truck and blessed us with 2 boxes of DEF.
  • TPC Deer Run We had dinner and played golf. Very friendly staff.


  • Des Moines Went to pool, met some really nice Christian people, friendly staff. Started road schooling today; Science. Took the kids into Des Moines to the Pappajohn Sculpture Park and the Giant Garden Trowel and then kind of drove around a little to see things.
  • Windmill Acres Talk about hills. The roads were stone for miles and miles.  But Mike the Host was super friendly, he had corn, tomatoes, wine, cheese, crackers, cookies and cake. Bought a tray he makes.  We took the kids to the Omaha Zoo. It was hot,  and a lot of walking but they all did good so took them to get rolled ice cream.


  • Elm Creek We went to Kearney, NE to check out the Classic Car Museum, and Cabella’s.


  • Goodland Man was there nothing but open fields the whole way. The campground is one we probably would never return to unless desperately needed, potholes were everywhere. We ventured to the Largest Easel- of a VanGough painting- drove around town, and saw a grasshopper made from tractor parts. Saw a beautiful sunset over the fields.


  • Colorado Springs  Now this is the change of scenery we have been waiting for. open fields- but mountains! Kids went to pool. We ventured out to the Garden of the Gods- it was pretty awesome. On the way we saw so many different crosses all over. By the campground there is a prayer garden that they are building which is pretty neat! We ventured out to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings– so interesting to see how they made homes out of the sides of rocks! We also went to the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame– it was quite interesting, learned a few things about it. We saw a bunch of homeless people but we did have the bags ready yet. Then we ventured to the Ghost Town Museum which is like a mini old town and mining.
  • Alamosa Ventured to the Great Sand Dunes National Park- Saw what looked like wild horses on the way. There were a bunch and bro got out the truck and got to touch one of them.  We rented sand sled and sand board. Man it was a hike up to the dunes, but it was fun. It did remind us for overseas a bit- but sliding down was cool. kids had a blast. We didn’t stay too long because it was so tiring. ha. ventured out to the Colorado Gators- it was so neat- so much better than other gator places we’ve gone to. They got to feed gators, hold a baby gator and then a worker was going in the outdoor fenced areas with them to show us them closer.
  • Durango Man the road here are craziness! Climbing up and down the mountain and such sharp turns. Drove through a cute town (Pagosa Springs). ventured to Santa Rosa Playground and walked down by the Animas River. Went on a white water raft tour- the water was fairly calm but our “guide” put us in the rapid backwards so we shot out- man that was intense and awesome. we got soaked.  Bro and the older 2 jumped into the river- said it was freezing. This river is fed from water from the mountains and streams, so it was getting shallow since it hasn’t rained or anything.


  • Monticello  Ventured out to the Hole ‘N the Rock which was pretty neat to see how someone made a restaurant and their home in the rock and it is still functional. We also drove and found the church rock and the Wilson Arch. We climbed up it and took photos. Ventured out to Canyonlands National Park. We hiked a few trails and had a lot of fun. Checked out the First Baptist Church. We went to Goosenecks State Park and the Mexican Hat rock formation.  On way we found a Bluff Fort- we stopped at to see how the first pioneers settled in Bluff. It was so interesting.
  • Richfield Ventured out and bought cowboy boots for the boys.
  • St. George Man do we love it here! So much civilization BUT super expensive. We checked out Thunder Junction. It’s an all abilities playground so cute and free. Has playground things, water pad, train, music sensory garden. Ventured out to Snow Canyon State Park hiked the Johnson trail and Jenny’s Canyon total of 2.5 miles. At the end of Johnson trail it was so quiet and peaceful you legit could only hear your ears ringing. Snow Canyon 27000 years ago had a volcano so there were lava rocks all over. Which was awesome to see since we just finished science unit. Then we went to Sand Hollow State Park- the water was blue and you could see the bottom far in, and it was warmer water. We found a cheesecake place and got a few mini cheesecake cupcakes, pretty darn good! picked up bibles from a Baptist church. The pastor was really nice. Then we went to the Red Canyon Desert park and Pioneer Park and climbed rocks. 


  • Las Vegas We went downtown for a few hours, checked out the Coca Cola store and got an International Tray to try 16 different flavors, then we went to M&M world. Lots of walking! Went to the Bellagio hotel and saw the water fountain, chocolate fountain and then the hotel all decorated inside for fall (so pretty), walked thru the Cosmopolitan-gorgeous inside with diamond looking drapes, girls were in love. Walked down the Mirage Volcano even though it was daytime and wasn’t erupting, and over to the Venetian, I wanted to do a gondola ride but it was pricey as is everything else in Vegas. Handed out total of 20 bags throughout the day. After down town we drove around hunting for homeless although not hard but it was hard in busy road to just stop. So at some places Bro would jump out the truck and go over and he’d meet me where I could pull over. Bro went to church today Grace Baptist. He didn’t ask for anything but the pastor handed him $100 from his pocket and gave a box with some Bibles. Then we went to Silverton to see the mermaid. Then to seven magic mountains. Then to pinball hall of fame which was neat. Went to the Hoover Dam and Lake Meade area. Super neat and super windy. Then we checked out a playground where usually mountain sheep are…but we only saw one from a distance. 


  •  Williams went on to route 66, went to Bearizona which is like a hidden valley. Did go to the Rt 66 museum, grocery store and then while there was a car show so walked about that for a bit. Went up to the Grand Canyon- an hour drive then took 40 min to get in the gate. It was nice but didn’t give us the WOW factor, I think because we seen so much like it in Utah while driving around. We ventured the Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument. Walked about mile and half at most, it was really neat compared to the other volcano area we went in in St George.
  • Tuscon  Went to the Saguaro National Park- crazy to see how different every cactus is and to see the insides of some- we never knew they had almost like a trunk inside of them-then we found out they are called “ribs”. So crazy!  We went to the Gene C Reid Park. Its really nice there- similar to Delaware Park- huge playground, zoo behind, water with waterfall and fountain. Went to Phoenix  to the Friendship Japanese Garden. It was nice and small- but they are very adamant about their rocks and grass, not really kid friendly. Checked out the Pioneer Village and Telephone Museum before heading back to Tucson.

New Mexico

  • Las Cruses Ventured to El Paso, TX today. Man I think I like Texas and we weren’t even in a good area. It was so neat to literally see Mexico across the street. We went to the La Casa de Azucar (a house called sugar house- a man made by hand chiseling and painting, took him 25 years to do- we even got to meet him!) Went to Chamizal National Monument, then to find a few murals which ended up not really happening. We ventured to the Unidad playground, worlds largest chili pepper, and the roadrunner made from recycled materials. Then we stopped at Nothing Bundt Cakes- oh my goodness so many good kinds so I got 10 different mini ones.  Went to White Sands National Park, so nice. Then up to Alamogordo to the worlds largest Pistachio and Pistachio land, took a tour of the farm and learned so much about Pistachios. So glad we went. 


  • Monahans It is basically an open lot with full hookups. Its more for oil drillers it looks like- that’s all around the area anyway. But its quiet.
  • Abilene Went to the Storybook Capital of America. Pretty neat walking around downtown finding different story book characters. The kids fav were the Dr Seuss ones. Went on a family trail ride at Shockey Stables. It was so much fun! The lady kept saying how natural everyone was and couldn’t believe our youngest wasn’t 5 yet! She got to ride alone and guide alone! After the trail they let us ride more in the arena and she let our youngest trot alone, she had the time of her life!
  • Arlington Went to the Fort Worth Stockyard. Pretty neat town, bought me a new pair of boots of course. Saw a cattle drive- small of about 15 long horns. The kids were able to each sit on one for a photo. Went to the Dallas Aquarium,  not a normal aquarium but it was cool. Saw a manatee! Which was our highlight.  Then drove around downtown to find the 30ft eyeball.
  • Gordonville We dont plan to do anything while we are here but chillax and catch up on school. We walked around the park and went to the gym. Ended up doing about 2+ miles of walking and running and some family workout in the gym. It was nice.


  • Oklahoma City Ventured out to the OKC memorial for the bombing site. Learned a lot. Probably one of the best aside from Montgomery. Ventured out to the National Cowboy & Western History Museum. Then on to Rt 66 to check out Pops 66- has hundreds of different kinds of pops. And then over to the Round Barn that was really interesting to see.
  • Tulsa  Took Bro to a Jamaican/Caribbean/African shop and stocked up on some Jamaican goods. Ventured to Transformation Church to say we were there even though they aren’t open during COVID. Stopped at the Praying Hands and then went to The Gathering Place.  Really awesome free gathering place that has so many different playgrounds, gardens, trails, etc. We would go there everyday seriously! We went to the Golden Driller Statue and Tulsa’s Center of the Universe- it was weird when standing in the middle it was like your echo was in a microphone but no one else could hear it. When we got back to the campground, we couldn’t get in the gate. The residents have a gate card but we guests don’t. So we are supposed to call the call button or 999, but when Bro did it went to voicemail. So I called the officer number which transferred to a call center thing. The lady was telling me that they dont do late check ins, I’m like we’ve been here since Saturday. there were about 6 cars behind us, then finally a guy came to us and let us use his gate card. Well someone stole our sons bike at campground. We will definitely not come back here! First tiny unlevel sites, then bike stolen and then cant even get in the gate once the office closes. Thats insanity.


  • Little Rock We took our extra Thanksgiving meal and made 2 big platters for the homeless and then drove around and found 2. We drove an hour to see the Hot Springs National Park- definitely different from other national parks- but it was cool.  2 Hot springs were really hot, one was hot tub temp and the other was freezing. Walked the bridge today and went by the Clinton library that had different themed globes. Also at like 7pm went to Hurts donuts… they were OK but not the best.


  • Memphis Talk about holy bumpy roads, trash and tires everywhere.  Campground is quiet but no sewer, no service, only 2 washers one broke and other rusty. Ventured to Stax music studio. Came back and the camper was covered in bugs. And we legit had about 10 lady bugs in camper. Ventured to the Slave Haven museum, national Civil right museum(very educational!), the bass Pro shop pyramid (holy cow big). 


  • Horn Lake Really nice campground, didn’t do much venturing in this location.
  • Jackson  Pretty decent campground. Didn’t venture out here. 


  • Baton Rouge We headed to a Louisiana Parade which the kids had a blast at. It was definitely long and fun. Then we headed to a live Nativity. Man did it get cold and I was not prepared for it for the kids sake or my own. But I am glad we went, it was such a nice experience since I’ve been wanting to take the kids for years. We went to church- very similar setting like Life Church- but it is a video sermon because there are multiple campuses. But it was nice experience. Visited New Orleans today- man its…well… interesting. But we went to the WWII museum which was neat and cool learning especially since we briefly talked about Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th. We went to the French Colonial area- walked around a lot and got Beignets from Cafe Du Monde….so good!


  • Mobile We took the kids to the festival of lights- it was neat- pricey but worth it. Similar to home- BUT the lights were all synchronized to the radio station they had the music playing thru. The kids loved it because they got to sit in the bed of the truck.


  • Perdido Key Ventured to gun store, Walmart, natural oil store and a small farmers market. While at the gun store a lady and a little boy came in asking if an employee could change her flat tire. This guy says no sorry,  there was legit about 10 men working there, like seriously no one could help this woman?! So bro offered to do it.
  • Navarre Nice campground! First Christmas in fifth wheel. We made a new traditional memory. God was good to us all this year. The least amount of gifts we all ever received but it was so special. Been saying it for years less is more so I need more less.
  • Chattahoochee Really nice campground, we didn’t venture out here. Happy New Year Bye Bye 2021 Hello 2022.

News Event!

Brohdny Ricketts interviewed on ABC news affiliate WKBW Buffalo NY. “Man teaching L.D.R.S.H.I.P. at every age with The Walk 615 program”.

Interview – Working With Kids

Ricketts family interviewed regarding remote learning that turned into permanent Homeschool.

Interview – Homeschooling

Brohdny Ricketts “The Walk 615” teaching LDRSHIP at two of Community Action Organization of Western New York afterschool program.

Community Work 2019

Book Sponsor
Brohdny's Walk
Brohdny Ricketts
2019 best actor nominee

Brohdny's New Podcast Series!

In light of the current necessity of social distancing, Brohdny Ricketts has begun a podcast series that addresses topical issues important to people who are interested in coping and improving themselves during these challenging times.

You can find all of Brohdny’s Walk podcasts on PodBean here.

Brohdny's New Podcast Series!

In light of the current necessity of social distancing, Brohdny Ricketts has begun a podcast series that addresses topical issues important to people who are interested in coping and improving themselves during these challenging times.

You can find all of Brohdny’s Walk podcasts on PodBean here.

Mandielyn Ricketts, attained her Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Business Management from Grantham University in 2017. Mandie served in the Army and did a tour in Kuwait in 2005. After serving overseas, Mandie remained on active duty until she had her first born in 2009. In 2010, her husband urged her to move back to Western New York where her family is while he stayed on active duty at Fort Dix New Jersey. 2011 Mandie and Brohdny are expecting their second child. Mandie had the opportunity to work from home and be able to raise their children. Mandie returned to her old Army Reserve unit while being a stay at home mom and working from home. 2013 -2018 Mandie served as Vacation Bible School Coordinator at Winchester Community Church. 2015 Mandie was medically discharged from the Army after 12 years of faithful service to our country. Mandie was born and raised in Western New York, Since 2021 March Mandie and her family has been fulltime Rvers and are now back in WNY discerning what God has planned for them..
Brohdny Ricketts, attained his Master of Social Work at University of Southern California in 2019. Ricketts did most of his undergraduate work at University at Buffalo, he graduated from Empire State College with a B.S. in Human Development in 2017. After serving a tour in Iraq 2006, Brohdny was an active-duty soldier until he medically retired from the Army in 2012. Brohdny became a youth group leader, a drummer on the worship team and a Deacon for one year at Winchester Community Church 2013-2018. Brohdny was born in Canada, moved to Jamaica where his family lived at one years old, came to America at the age of eight to New Jersey. Since 2021 March Brohdny and his family has been fulltime Rvers and are now back in WNY discerning what God has planned for them.


The mission of ‘Dad’s Island Flare’ is to empower people by equipping them with 8 core values of which Jesus himself portrayed while on earth. (Loyalty, Obedience, Respect, Duty, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage) Enhancing your development of a spiritual mindset.

The vision is to encourage people of all ethnic backgrounds, all ages, all identifiable genders, any socioeconomic status to intrinsically incorporate eight core values into their everyday lives. By utilizing the 8 core values to make a change within the individual, one person at a time.

  On this journey, We Walk Together.

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