
Being Deliberate

We tend to be deliberate when we get something out of it!

When are you deliberate?

How well can you see in the dark?

What you think you see i the dark cannot be for certain. What you think you see; is it what you are really seeing?

Signs along the way: I see God now in a different way

Unless the Lord Builds the House

Psalm 127:1-2 A Song Of Solomon.

1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 2 It is in vain that you rise up early  and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved asleep.

The perceived troubles of this world, through Jesus light has been shed, therefore I see them differently. When you look at something in the dark or peripherally or just gaze at it. You cannot see it for what it really is. Your Apriori (prior knowledge) automatically formulates what it is YOU are looking at. It now becomes your perception.

Whatever it is that you look at head on with light, looks very different than how you looked at it without light or at different angles. You were not focused. We sometimes, I myself included; claim we know Jesus and follow him but we get caught up in other things and only gaze at Gods word or acknowledge God when we are in darkness to check the box of being with our Lord or just doing our religious thing.

Remember Jesus is not a fan of religious individuals. Let’s take the what we perceive as extra time and focus on Jesus head on, because He is our light and we will be able to see things as God intended, not see things to fit our own agenda. Speaking of time and agenda; you don’t need to fit God in your agenda, you need to make your agenda around God.

Life has always been about God! Jesus died so we can receive and interpret Gods promises for our lives. Along the way we lost our focus and some of you may have heard about leaving the 99 to go find that one. Let me clear this up for you; you are that one, I am that one, everybody is that one at some point in their life. If you think otherwise I’m here to tell you to get head on and focus because you are just gazing around through life at things that do not really matter.

Spiritual Insights

  • Unless the Lord builds and watches, human efforts are in vain
  • Perception changes when viewing things through Jesus' light
  • Focusing on Jesus head-on allows us to see things as God intended

Faith and Daily Life

  • Make your agenda around God, rather than fitting God into your agenda
  • Life has always been about God; Jesus died so we can receive God's promises
  • Everyone is "the one" that Jesus would leave the 99 for at some point in their life

Reflection on Perception

  • What we think we see in the dark or peripherally may not be accurate
  • Prior knowledge influences our perception of what we're looking at