You are not “Good”
Only I alone is Good
You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother
Get rid of what you do not need and give it to those whom need
Intrinsically; with a kind heart
You will have treasure in heaven
The wealthy will struggle to enter the kingdom of God
It is easier for one to go through the “eye of a needle”
Leave everything and follow Me
Luke 18:25
What is impossible with man is possible with God”
You will receive many times much in this age
You will receive many times in the age to come eternal life (Luke 18:30)
Prophets are the truth
Their messages from me are through the one and only truth “Jesus”
No one comes to the father except through Me
People will mock you, insult you and spit on you Luke 18:32
Tell me what you want me to do
It shall be done
Your faith will provide you the answer you desire
Will You Follow Him?
